The Way Finding Project was spear headed by Tourism Charlottetown Inc. The project brought together many organizations in Charlottetown such as ACOA, the Charlottetown Harbour Authority, the City of Charlottetown, Downtown Charlottetown Inc., CADC and the Province of PEI. The purpose of this project was to improve the signage in the historic 500 lots region of the city and address both way finding and interpretive elements. The company hired to complete the study was Form:Media from Halifax and their report focused on 5 elements, 1) Street Blades (Signs) 2) Directional Signs 3) Kiosks 4) Interpretive Panels 5) Interpretive Sculpture. This project cost approximately $600,000 and can be seen all over the City. When out for a stroll in Down Town Charlottetown you will notice, new black street signs and directional signs, several kiosks at various street corners, many interpretive panels scattered about the area and the sculpture of Sir John A on the corner of Queen Street and Victoria Row. This project vastly improved the walkability of the down town and helps visitors navigate around our beautiful city.