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Invesco Building

The Invesco building is a 45,000 square foot, three story building located on Euston Street in Charlottetown. The building was constructed to meet the needs of financial services company Invesco. Invesco is a technologically savvy company that moved to PEI in 2007. They now employs over 250 staff and is still growing. This beautiful building was the first on PEI to achieve a LEEDs Certificate and features a generator and UPS power system along with state of the art wiring and a geo-thermal heating system. This project was done in partnership with ACOA, the Province of PEI and CADC at a total cost of approximately $8 million. The construction was carried out by local contractor Fitzgerald & Snow and was designed by North 46 Architects. CADC completed the land assembly for the building along with project management of the construction process.