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90, 94, 98, & 100 Water Street

During Renovation

Located in a target area for restoration, 90 – 100 Water Street is a string of historic buildings built in the late 1850’s after fire destroyed the block. These buildings were identified as projects because theyDuring Renovation site along a key connector street for pedestrians and vehicle traffic on the Charlottetown waterfront. Great George, Water and Queen Street were identified as key areas of focus for CADC when deciding what projects to act on. CADC purchased the buildings and began the process of doing a complete redevelopment of the structures. They received new windows, roof, siding, water, electrical and exterior landscaping. These buildings added to Charlottetown’s heritage resources and fit perfectly with CADC’s mandate. At the time of the renovation, CADC actually had their office in this area before later moving to the Harbourside Complex.